Kelvin-Helmhotz clouds


Yet another evening on the 10km run along the northern edge of Borrowdale, with bad weather forecast for the following day. Although it is very familiar, conditions are rarely the same, and there is always something to appreciate and wonder about. Yesterday was a case in point: leaving Kendal, the skies seemed a uniform blue, but higher up it was possible to distinguish many minor and fleeting cloud effects, including the elusive Kelvin-Helmhotz wave pattern, which is always a fleeting phenomenon. It is, however, not completely uncommon, you just need to be minded and to look up when the conditions might be right. So far this year, there have been at least four occasions when I have noticed this.  Further along, a fox on the fell, scampering effortlessly down to Low Borrowdale where there are numerous hens and other easy pickings. Finally on Roundthwaite Common, a white fell pony ambled across from Belt Howe to join its friends. Needlessly intimidated, I slowed down to pass them, but they
were gentle and just curious. Back on the valley floor, all the cold air had sunk and was staying put, a sure sign of autumn approaching as I headed back to the car in the half light. 


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