Crepuscular Rays from Benson Knott

I’m back into the whole Benson Knott from the front door malarkey with the second lockdown. It takes about 40 minutes from the door to the trig point, less than half back down if I try hard.  I paused on the way up to chat to Frieda, aged 90, recently recovered from a significant operation and raking the leaves: ‘I don’t want anyone to think I don’t care about my garden.’ She had a good fuss of the dog, and wished me a pleasant afternoon. 

The weather was clearing out, with bright light, a small amount of cumulus drifting across the sun, and the most amazing crepuscular rays to be seen from the top, both ascending and descending. I always think it pays to pause (OK catch my breath) and look up, around, and take in the atmosphere. As I was enjoying it so much, I went round the very muddy Fisher Tarn paths, and then back up and over the summit, where the rays were even more marked second time round. It felt like a real privilege to have seen this, and also (selfishly) with absolutely no one else around, which always seems incredible given its proximity to Kendal.


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